

evaluate your business idea’s viability

Program Details

This program is divided into two series, Ignition 1.0 (Fall) and Ignition 2.0 (Spring), with each taking place at the Tech Park and occurring once a week on Tuesday. Ignition lasts 8 weeks, with the last week being a Demo Day where participants pitch for up to a $10,000 investment. Applications are due September 4, 2024.

The first session for Ignition 1.0 will occur on September 10 and Demo Day will be on October 29. It is expected that participants will be present and active at all sessions. The total cost for the program is $200, with scholarships available.

Childcare Support for Uninterrupted Focus We understand that your commitments don't pause when you're pursuing your business dreams. That's why Ignition goes the extra mile by providing on-site childcare (ages 5 and up) during our classes. Stay fully focused on mastering the strategies that will transform your business while ensuring your child is well taken care of.

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Program Sponsor
SBA Growth Accelerator Badge
Program Award

Ignition 1.0 - Business Model Canvas

Are you tired of treating your business like a mere hobby? Ready to take it to the next level by gaining real customers and providing impactful solutions? Look no further than Ignition – the game-changing 8-week class designed to supercharge your entrepreneurial journey!

Craft Solutions That Resonate

Successful businesses aren't built on guesswork; they're built on understanding and solving your target audience's pain points. Ignition empowers you to not only identify these pain points but also create tailor-made solutions that resonate with your customers. With our expert guidance, you'll learn to develop products and services that stand out in the market, fostering customer loyalty and driving growth.

Out With the Old, In With the Effective

Gone are the days of lengthy, unread business plans. Why waste precious time writing a 60-70 page document that won't even see the light of day? Ignition introduces you to the Business Model Canvas, a more comprehensive and efficient way to outline your business strategy. Say goodbye to overwhelming complexity and hello to a clear, concise plan that fuels your success.

Personalized Mentorship Every Step of the Way

At Ignition, we believe in guiding you through your entrepreneurial journey with unwavering support. Our class offers the unique advantage of interacting with a dedicated mentor throughout the entire 8 weeks. Benefit from their wealth of experience, gain valuable insights, and receive feedback tailored to your business needs. With this personalized mentorship, you'll be equipped to make informed decisions and navigate challenges confidently.

Ignition 2.0 - Pitch Deck

Are you ready to secure funding and scaleup? Ignition 2.0 is a power-packed 8-week class that will equip you with the tools, skills and confidence to conquer the world of entrepreneurship and is centered around one pivotal aspect – the PITCH DECK.

Master the Art of the Pitch

Life's a pitch, and in the competitive landscape of business, nailing your pitch is non-negotiable. Ignition 2.0 is your secret weapon to crafting an unforgettable pitch deck that commands attention, resonates with investors, and propels your business forward.

Fundraising Made Effortless

Are you on a mission to secure funding for your venture? Whether you're reaching out to friends, family, banks, or investors, the backbone of your success lies in a compelling pitch deck. Ignition 2.0 is your roadmap to creating a pitch deck that not only impresses but also gets results.

Work With the Winning Set of Slides

Say goodbye to doubt and guesswork. With Ignition 2.0, you'll be introduced to a meticulously curated set of slides that lay the foundation for a winning pitch deck. Each slide is designed to engage your audience, communicate your vision, and showcase the potential for growth that your business holds.

Transform Your Presentation Skills

Presentation preparation is an art, you're not just equipped with a remarkable pitch deck but also armed with the finesse to present it flawlessly. From mastering body language to honing your delivery, you'll emerge as a confident and captivating presenter who commands attention and respect.

The Results

By the end of program, attendees will have the appropriate knowledge and mentorship needed to plan next steps in growing their companies. This includes a thorough understanding of:

Ignition 1.0
Clearly identify your target market

Ignition 2.0
How to form their financials

Ignition 1.0
Understand your customer's needs and wants

Ignition 2.0
Developing their business model

Ignition 1.0
Accurately identify the problem you're solving

Ignition 2.0
Creating their go-to market strategy

Ignition 1.0
Develop an appropriate pricing model

Ignition 2.0
The steps to take when seeking investments

Want to join the next cohort?

Have questions about the program, want to learn more, or ready to accelerate your business? Let us know by completing the interest form below.