
How to Encourage A Culture of Continuous Learning on a Shoestring Budget

Every organization needs to develop a culture of learning to continually innovate and improve its products and processes. If that’s not enough motivation by itself, consider this: Your competitors are already doing it. “Without a development program, your competition is learning and leaving you two steps behind,” says Regina Leingang, leadership development consultant with Baton

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Nexus Louisiana Technology Park Contributes to Region’s Economic Strength, Report Finds

The Louisiana Technology Park continued to have a multimillion-dollar economic impact on the Baton Rouge region in 2016, a report by LSU alumni economics professor James Richardson found. The report, prepared for Tech Park parent company Research Park Corp., says Tech Park’s current and previous tenants who remained in the Baton Rouge area saw revenues

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Not Ya Mama’s Marketing: How to Create Buzz & Make News in the Digital age

Businesses have had to shift the way they think about marketing and public relations amid seismic changes from the rise of social media as a news source and an onslaught of millennials entering the workforce. “Everybody’s using digital tools to communicate, and what’s really interesting, especially in the world of PR, is that everybody’s getting

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How To Successfully Transition A Family Business

Family businesses face the same challenges as other businesses, including succession planning. But the family dynamics can make those transitions even more complex. Many family businesses don’t survive those challenges across multiple generations. “About 30 percent of companies make it to the second generation without being sold or failing, about 12 percent make it to

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How to Level the Playing Field When Negotiating with Big Business

As a small-business owner you likely deal with larger companies that are your clients, partners or vendors. These companies may have experience and resources that you don’t when it comes to contract negotiations, but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily at a disadvantage. Skillful negotiating can let you strike a deal with these big businesses that’s

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Beyond Ping-Pong Tables: Building a Healthy Workplace Culture

Great workplace culture gives employees a purpose. It helps them enjoy their work, and it makes it easier for you to hire top talent. It’s especially important at high-growth companies, and yet even well-intentioned employers often get it totally wrong. To find out how companies can build a healthy workplace culture from the start, we

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