Louisiana Business

4 Problem-Focused Sales Questions that Close Deals

As an entrepreneur, you are primarily a problem solver. People don’t buy your products; they buy your solutions. Yet many entrepreneurs don’t focus on the customer’s problem when selling. Instead, they fixate on their own product and how great it is. This is backwards, says Michael Miller and Margaret Fowler of Rise UpSelling. Yesterday, Louisiana Technology

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3 Easily Avoidable Mistakes Startup Founders Make

What was your last entrepreneurial mistake? Screwing up is fine—it comes with the territory—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful. Out of inexperience, stubbornness, or hubris, there are three mistakes that entrepreneurs seem to make over and over. WATCH OUT FOR THESE: Mistake #1: Over-Focusing on the Product Since day one, you have probably

3 Easily Avoidable Mistakes Startup Founders Make Read More »